Our Mission

To partner with Moreau Lake State Park to enrich the experience for every park visitor by supporting environmental education, events and stewardship.

We are 100% Volunteer. Join us today!

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Latest News

Centennial Boat Float Aug. 4, 100 Boats to Float!

Join the park staff for the 100th anniversary centennial boat float! Bring your own kayak,...

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Big Bend Preserve now open!

Big Bend Preserve Offers 860 Acres of Diverse Wildlife Habitats and New Trails for New Yorkers...

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Love Our NY Lands and Leave No Trace

New York State Parks and the State Department of Environmental Conservation are partnering to...

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Volunteer Opportunities Updated 7/8

Here are the latest volunteer opportunities at the park.  To sign up:

If you have...

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Hiking with your dog in hot weather

When taking your dog along on hikes, please ensure you bring enough water not only for yourself,...

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Moreau Lake State Park has over 40 miles of hiking trails combined. Some can go as long as 12...

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July Programs and Events at the Park

Come out to the park to enjoy a variety of programs, hikes and events at the park led by our...

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Kid’s Summer Crafts at the Beach

The Friends of Moreau, supported by a grant from the Stewart's Shops Holiday Match Program will...

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Featured Stories

Park Employee, Natalie Santini debuts record album to high acclaim

Our very own, Natalie Santini, Environmental...

Park Employee, Natalie Santini debuts record album to high acclaim

Our very own, Natalie Santini, Environmental...

Canoe Planter Trail ready for spring!

Come to Moreau Lake State Park and walk the...

Canoe Planter Trail ready for spring!

Come to Moreau Lake State Park and walk the...

Hike Spier Falls Overlook

The Spier Falls Hydroelectric Dam was...

Hike Spier Falls Overlook

The Spier Falls Hydroelectric Dam was...

The History of Moreau Lake State Park

The area around Moreau Lake was originally a...

The History of Moreau Lake State Park

The area around Moreau Lake was originally a...

Our Supporters

Contact us if you would like to join this very special group!


Average Annual Park Attendance


Miles of Hiking Trails


Number of Lakes


Park Acreage