About Us

The Friends of Moreau Lake State Park is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to the support and promotion of environmental education programs and other activities at Moreau Lake State Park. In July 1995, the Friends of Moreau Lake was formed by a group of dedicated volunteers and park users who saw a need at the park for preservation, education, understanding and appreciation of the natural environment. Through the years the park has been significantly enhanced by the efforts of the Friends group, including the growth of the nature center from a small one room structure to the magnificent building we have today. The Friends of Moreau Lake State Park advocate on behalf of the park not only by raising money, but also by ensuring our elected officials know what a treasure we have in Moreau Lake State Park and by creating awareness of important issues that affect the park and the community

We are 100% volunteer. All of our funding is through private donations, fundraisers and memberships.

In general, we cover quite a broad scope of skills that greatly contribute to running the Friends group and supporting the park. We all tap into our backgrounds and are able to bring them forward in many valuable ways. The Friends membership is a diverse, dedicated and passionate group.

Enjoy this video produced by Treasurer, Jim Pierson!

2024 Board of Directors


Mary E. Knutson, President


Paula Lomasney, Vice President


Jim Pierson, Treasurer


Malina Stawarz, Secretary


Jan Stewart, Corresponding Secretary


Robert Trimarchi

Michael Lesser

Nadine Mayo

Richard Pine

To connect with any of the officers, please fill out the contact form. You may also leave a message at the Park Office at 518-793-0511.