Wiggly Wanderers
Wiggly Wanderers is a casual and fun program that is offered to walking toddlers, carriable babies and their caregivers. This will be a beginner’s hike/wander series for toddlers who are ready to move and caregivers who are willing and able to baby wear and/or carry their toddler if their legs get too tired. We will not plan too much distance …
“Hot Dogs” K-9 safety
Drop by the nature center for some tips on how to keep your dog safe in the summer heat from an educator and vet tech.
Beginner Bird Watching
Calling all beginner birders ages 14+, join us on a guided hike to search for birds! Bring binoculars if you have them. The hike will be a start and stop walk for less than two miles. Class is $5 per adult, $1 for under 18 (cash or check). Park tollbooth fees are waved in lieu of program fees, be sure …
Reptile Profile
Join an educator in the nature center to meet our resident reptiles! We at Moreau take care of six New York native turtles and three snakes that cannot be released into the wild and are wonderful little educators. Learn about their exciting lives, what they like to eat, and what they use for shell-ter at the Nature Center. The cost …
Moreau Lake Kayak
Join an educator on a peaceful morning paddle around Moreau Lake. Limited rentals are available or bring your own kayak. This program is for people aged 18 and older if you need to rent a kayak or 13+ if you have your own kayak. The cost is $5 (or $15 including kayak rental). Check in and pay (cash or check) …
Friends of Moreau Lake Monthly Meeting
Please join us for our monthly general membership board meeting. It is open to the public and is held the second Tuesday of every month at 7pm via ZOOM. The agenda is sent prior to the meeting to all members. If you would like to come to the meeting but are not a member, please email: [email protected] and we will …