Big Bend: Beginner Birding
Calling all beginner birders! Bring your binoculars if you have them and we will check out the wide variety of over 100 species of birds that we have identified at our new preserve. This will be a short start-and-stop hike. We will meet at the park office and caravan to Big Bend. Geared toward ages 12+. Program is $5 per …
New Moon at the Observatory
Come to the beach to take a view at the dark sky with our telescope. We have a volunteer astronomer to teach us about the stars! If you have a telescope at home that you need help troubleshooting, the astronomer is welcoming people to bring there’s if they have any questions. This program is free. Please register in advance by …
Wiggly Wanderers
Wiggly Wanderers is a casual and fun program that is offered to walking toddlers, carriable babies and their caregivers. This will be a beginner’s hike/wander series for toddlers who are ready to move and caregivers who are willing and able to baby wear and/or carry their toddler if their legs get too tired. We will not plan too much distance …