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Beaver Walk

Did you know that MLSP is home to a thriving population of North America’s largest rodent? We will walk along the Wetlands Walk and Mud Pond trails where we can view our beaver’s dam and lodges while we learn all about how they live, love, and learn. This program is for people of all ages, it’s an easy-moderate hike of …

The Buzz on Bees

What is a bee’s favorite flower? A bee-gonia! Join an educator at the nature center to talk about how important our bees and pollinators are, talk about their habits and how sophisticated they can bee! We will then go on a short walk to look for pollinators. Geared toward ages 5+ (siblings welcome). $1 per child (cash or check) at …

Event Series Wiggly Wanderers

Wiggly Wanderers

Wiggly Wanderers is a casual and fun program that is offered to walking toddlers, carriable babies and their caregivers. This will be a beginner’s hike/wander series for toddlers who are ready to move and caregivers who are willing and able to baby wear and/or carry their toddler if their legs get too tired. We will not plan too much distance …

Event Series Junior Ranger

Junior Ranger

Join an educator and a ranger in the nature center to learn more about our park through fun activities! Geared toward kids 5+. The cost is $1 per child (cash or check) at the office upon arrival. Park tollbooth fees are waved in lieu of program fees, be sure to call 24 hours in advance to reserve your spot by …

Event Series Junior Ranger

Junior Ranger

Join an educator and a ranger in the nature center to learn more about our park through fun activities! Geared toward kids 5+. The cost is $1 per child (cash or check) at the office upon arrival. Park tollbooth fees are waved in lieu of program fees, be sure to call 24 hours in advance to reserve your spot by …

Event Series Full Moon Hike

Full Moon Hike

Join a park educator on a beginner hike around Moreau Lake. If the clouds cooperate, we’ll get to enjoy the splendor of the full moon rising above the mountains! This hike is family friendly and well-behaved dogs on a 6 foot or shorter leash are welcome. $1 per child, $5 per adult is payable by cash or check at the …

Event Series Moth Week Celebration

Moth Week Celebration

Join an educator at the nature center to observe, survey and learn about the moths of MLSP! We are celebrating National Moth Week by identifying moths, instructing you on how to make your own safe DIY moth trap, and learning about the life activities and ecology of moths. Moth surveying and ID will take place at 10am outside the nature …