March events and programs at the Park

Here are the detailed descriptions for all the events hosted by the Park Staff with a little help from some “Friends” 😉

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Saturday, March 1st Amphibian Migration Discussion 12:00pm
Why did the amphibian cross the road? To get to the vernal pool! Join a Nature Center educator to learn about “the Big Night”, a warm rainy day at the start of spring when all of the amphibians come out of brumation. We will discuss NYSDEC Amphibian Migration and Road Crossing Project where volunteers collect data and help amphibians cross busy roads. This is free a geared toward ages 6+. Please reserve your spot in advance by calling the office at 518-793-0511.

Wednesday, March 5th Eagle Watch 9:00am
Join a park educator on a convoy-style journey along the Hudson River to try to spot our local Bald Eagles. We will be getting in and out of vehicles at a few locations and, with a little luck, viewing the eagles through binoculars so make sure to bring your hat and gloves! If you have binoculars bring them, we do have a couple of pair to pass around as well. This program is free and geared toward ages 13+. Please register in advance by calling 518-793-0511.

Fridays, March 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th Wiggly Wanderers 9:30am
Wiggly Wanderers is a casual and fun program that is offered to walking toddlers, carriable babies and their caregivers. This will be a beginner’s hike/wander series with not too much distance for toddlers who are ready to move and caregivers who are willing and able to baby wear and/or carry their toddler if their legs get too tired. Strollers will not work for these programs. We meet at the nature center parking lot.  Registration is not required for this program.

Friday, March 7th Flower Power 11:00am
Come to the Nature Center to plant your own seeds of flowers native to Upstate New York to bring home. While we’re gardening, a nature center educator will give a quick lesson on the importance of native flower gardens, some easy native swaps to common garden flowers, and care tips for your new plant. This program is $1 per person if you can and open to all ages. Please reserve your spot in advance by calling the office at 518-793-0511.

Saturday, March 8th Learning About Old Growth Forests 11:00am
Ever been called a tree hugger? We’re proud of you! Join a Nature Center educator for a lesson on the benefits of supporting old growth forests- forests with trees 150+ years old. Did you know that emerging science supports that trees gain wisdom and pass it down to their offspring (and even “grand-trees”)?! Learn fun facts like this and more at our event. Free and geared toward 13+. Please reserve your spot in advance by calling the office at 518-793-0511.

Wednesday, March 12th Full Moon Hike at Big Bend 7:00pm
Join a park educator on a beginner hike and if the clouds cooperate, we’ll get to enjoy the splendor of the full “Worm Moon” rising above the mountains! This hike is free, is family friendly and well-behaved dogs on a 6 foot or shorter leash are welcome. This hike will not go the full 3.5 miles, we will be going closer to 2.5 miles on flat terrain. We have snowshoes to rent $5 per person if we need them. To reserve your spot call 518-793-0511 the earlier the better as this is a popular program and it fills up quickly.

Thursday, March 13th Mud Pond Hike 1:00pm
Join an Educator on a beginner 2.1 mile hike from Nature Trail to Mud Pond where we will see some beaver lodges, maybe some water fowl, and lots of Hemlock trees. Please wear the appropriate attire for the weather and water-resistant hiking shoes. Bring a snack and plenty of water. This is free and can be for all ages, but be aware of the distance, the up and down terrain and weather. Please reserve your spot 24-hours in advance by calling the office at 518-793-0511.

Saturday, March 15th St. Patty’s Day Needle Felting 11:00am-1:00pm
Leprechauns, fairies, and gnomes oh my! Choose your favorite folktale character and create your own St Patty’s Day plush. Return next week to build them a home! Supplies will be provided. This program is free and geared toward 6+. Please reserve your spot in advance by calling the office at 518-793-0511.

Sunday, March 16th Monthly Hiking Challenge 10:00am
Join the monthly hiking challenge where we will explore the wide variety of trails at Moreau Lake State Park, if you make it to all the hikes you will get a prize! Our first hike will start off with a fan favorite, Baker to Moreau Overlook. This is a moderate-hard 2.5 mile hike with a beautiful view of our lake from above. Please wear the appropriate attire for the weather with water-resistant hiking shoes, trekking poles if you need them, microspikes and snowshoes if you have them. We have limited micro spikes and snowshoes to borrow. Bring a snack and plenty of water. We will meet at the park office and caravan to the trailhead. This is a free hike and for people 13+. Please register in advance by calling the office at 518-793-0511.

Monday, March 17th iSpy Something Green Hike 10:00am
Let’s go on a hunt for green, we may see some signs of spring, we may just follow the pines! This is a free hike geared toward ages 6+. Please wear the appropriate clothing for the weather and for a short hike. Please register in advance by calling the office at 518-793-0511.

Monday, March 17th Maple Tapping 2:00pm
Join an educator in the nature center for a quick history of making maple syrup, the process from beginning to end, and if you are able, come on a short walk to see what trees we are tapping! This program is free and for all ages. Please reserve your spot in advance by calling the office at 518-793-0511.

Tuesday, March 18th Beginner Birding 9:00am
Calling all beginner birders! Bring your binoculars if you have them and we will check out what birds are around this time of year at Big Bend. This will be a short start-and-stop hike. We will meet at the park office and caravan to Big Bend. This is free and geared toward ages 13+. Please reserve your spot in advance by calling the office at 518-793-0511.

Thursday, March 20th Starting a Field Journal 10:00am
Join an educator at the nature center to get started on your field journaling journey. We will supply journals, or we can hand make them. We will learn about the importance of recording observations then practice our skills, and go on a short walk if we are able. This is free and geared to ages 13+. Please reserve your spot in advance by calling the office at 518-793-0511.

Friday, March 21st Fairy Houses 11:00am
Are you looking to attract fairy friends to you garden? Come to the Nature Center and build a fairy house with materials that the forest provides (twigs, moss, flowers, leaves, acorns etc). Open to all ages. Please reserve your spot in advance by calling the office at 518-793-0511.

Saturday, March 22nd First Signs of Spring Walk 12:00pm
The sun is coming out, plants are emerging, and animals are returning from their winter slumbers. Let’s celebrate the changing seasons and look out for signs of spring. Join a Nature Center employee for a guided hike- identifying the common plants and animals that signal the beginning of springtime. Open to all ages, please reserve your spot in advance by calling the office at 518-793-0511.

Sunday, March 23rd Fly Tying 101, 11:00am
This fly-tying class teaches participants how to tie two essential trout flies: the Woolly Bugger, a versatile streamer imitating baitfish and leeches, and the Pheasant Tail Nymph, a classic mayfly imitation. The class also highlights the importance of entomology in fly-tying, helping anglers match their flies to the natural insect life cycle for better fishing success. This class is designed for ages 13+. We have a limit of 5 people who can bring their handmade fly home to ensure we have enough, those who make their own will be charged $5 for materials. If you sign up after our 5-person limit you will be able to come and watch. Register in advance by calling our office at 518-793-0511.

Tuesday, March 25th Spring Overlook Hike 10:00am
Join an educator on our newer trail up to Spring Overlook. This is a moderate-hard 2.5 mile loop hike with elevation gain/loss of 600 feet. Please wear the appropriate attire for the weather with water-resistant hiking shoes, sunscreen, and trekking poles if you need them. Bring plenty of water, snacks and a lunch that we can eat at the overlook. We will meet at the park office and caravan to the trailhead. This is a free hike and for people 13+. Please register in advance by calling the office at 518-793-0511.

Wednesday, March 26th Eagle Watch 9:00am
Join a park educator on a convoy-style journey along the Hudson River to try to spot our local Bald Eagles. We will be getting in and out of vehicles at a few locations and, with a little luck, viewing the eagles through binoculars so make sure to bring your hat and gloves! If you have binoculars bring them, we do have a couple of pair to pass around as well. This program is free and geared toward ages 13+. Please register in advance by calling 518-793-0511.

Sunday, March 30th Maple Tapping 10:00am
Join an educator in the nature center for a quick history of making maple syrup, the process from beginning to end, and if you are able, come on a short walk to see what trees we are tapping! This program is free and for all ages. Please reserve your spot in advance by calling the office at 518-793-0511.