A HUGE thanks to the Green Team for continuing to support with projects that enhance and nurture all the plant life.
From Green Team Master Gardener and fearless leader – Marcia Martin – We now have a “Compost Corner” all tidy and organized. An outdoor room has been fashioned with LOTS of space to deposit and layer all the cuttings and clippings. Think – “Compost Clubhouse”. So exciting! Two new structures were built, old compost was dug out and distributed.
A BIG shout out to Sue B. who located our free palettes. A BIGGER shout out to Amy and her partner Greg, who picked up the palettes, brought them to the park and to Greg who fastened all the corners to create bins. Awesome! We are forever grateful!
Thanks to Sharon, Suzy, Amy, Mary and Malina who assisted in holding palettes, deadheading, emptying all 5 compost receptacles, schlepping the clippings to the new bins, alternating it with leaves. . . if you get the drift. . . there was a LOT of moving stuff back and forth, a lot of wheelbarrows and wagons passing by each other. Whew! We did it!! Take a peek, our clubhouse, looks great!
Thank you GREEN TEAM!!