NatureFest Volunteers Needed, Sept. 14

Volunteers needed for the upcoming NatureFest, September 14th! This is the Friend’s showcase fundraiser of the year and we need your support to make it an enjoyable and rewarding experience for everyone.

Below is the job list and number of volunteers needed. You can sign up for specific tasks OR as a general volunteer. You may also sign up for multiple shifts. If you have not volunteered before, we will make every effort to find something for you to do!


Friday 4-6pm:  prep work:                                            

  • Pull and organize needed supplies from Friends’ room, NC, warming hut
  • Clean coolers, water coolers
  • Get water for cooler refills,
  • Gather plastic tables, clean if needed, stage either in NC or beach building
  • Stage food stuff in concession stand
  • Organize signs and banners, decide where they will be placed
  • Pull popup tents and stage for quick easy setup Saturday morning
  • Silent auction needs – Stage items in NC
  • Put blue and white bins together for waste station and secure other barrels

 Saturday 8-10:30: setup and sign-in tables:            

  • Set up tents, plastic tables (a map will be provided)
  • Put up signs, banners,
  • Set up Friends table, welcome table, volunteer and exhibitor sign-in, t-shirt to bag craft, rope making site, face painting site,
  • Set up silent auction- bring items to tent, arrange and setup
  • Pumpkins- table covering, paints, supply setup
  • Baked goods- table covering, signs, supply setup, display and prep items
  • Food area- organize chili’s, supplies, drinks into coolers, signs up, grill prepped, chips, condiment table
  • Waste station setup- put all cans in waste area, NYS signs and banners up, label each container
  • Cones and traffic directions
  • Music- stage, tent, power
  • Volunteer Sign in (1) *must be here by 8!
  • Exhibitor sign in (2) *must be here by 8!

Saturday 10-1 shift and 12:45-3:45:             

  •  Food (7-8 people) – cook dogs, keep food ready to serve (drinks in cooler, buns, stock and clean), runners to bring food to exhibitors, keep condiment table clean and stocked, water filled, take money, serve customers
  • Baked Goods (2-4 people)- keep items neat and supplies stocked, take money
  • Waste area Reduce/Reuse/Recycle (2-3 people)- direct patrons on appropriate container for waste
  • Rope making (2 people in addition to two leads) – manual operate machine and cut and tape ends.
  • Friends Table (2-3) – answer questions, take feedback forms, sign up new members, give out info about Friends group
  • Welcome to event table (2-3)- distribute information (event map, giveaways,) answer questions about event, direct people as needed, field issues and questions to appropriate persons.
  • Relievers (2-3)- visit each exhibitor and ask if they need a break, food, help with something
  • Silent Auction (4)- sell tickets, watch items, at end help determine winners and help distribute items to winners
  • Traffic (2)
  • T-shirt craft (2-3)- teach people how to turn t-shirts into reusable bags, Instructions provided. Tracing, cutting, tying.

Saturday clean up: 3:30-4:30 or 5:00:                        

  • Undo everything we did in the morning!