We currently do not have anything scheduled within the next couple weeks. Our next upcoming event will be in October for a Halloween/Autumn Walk. Details to follow so please check back.
If you have any problems signing up or questions PLEASE contact comments@fomlsp.org and we will get back to you ASAP!!
We also ask that if you haven’t yet already to please complete the Volunteer Service Agreements for NYS Parks and The Friends Code of Conduct. They may be dropped off at the park office during normal business hours or when you come to volunteer.
If there is inclement weather on the horizon, please call the office to verify that the events and volunteer venues are still scheduled as planned – 518-793-0511. If you cannot make it and are able to give us a 24 hour notice, please send an email to: comments@fomlsp.org If you need to cancel with a short notice, please call the office at 518-793-0511.